실리콘 벨리 한인 반도체 협회 (Korean American Semiconductor Association in Silicon Valley)는 2005년에 시작한 재미 한인 반도체 협회 (Korean American Semiconductor Association)에 기반을 두고 있습니다. 2005년 시작된 협회는 미국 반도체 장비 회사에 일을 하면서, 같은 직종에 계신 분들을 만나고 네트워킹을 할 수 있는 공간이 미국에 있던 저희에게는 없었기에 같은 생각을 가지고 계신 분들과 함께 시작되었습니다. 한 때 어려움이 있었기는 했지만, 그래도 많은 분들의 도움으로 COVID-19 시작 전까지는 어렵게 유지를 해오기는 했지만, 멤버 모두가 Full time 으로 일을 하면서 이끌어가는 데는 역부족이였습니다. 해서 이번에 다시 "새로운 마음 가짐"으로 모임을 다시 시작하려 합니다. KASASV (Korean American Semiconductor Association in Silicon Valley)이름의 비영리단체로. 이곳은 미국 여러 반도체 분야에서 종사하시는 Korean American Professional을 위한 나눔의 공간으로 서로에게 Personal life or Professional career에 도움이 되기를 바라고 또한 한국 여러 반도체 분야에 종사하시는 한국 반도체 Professional 여러분들에게도 미국에 계신 분들과 교류를 하실수 있는 공간이 되기를 바랍니다.

앞으로 여러가지 구체적인 방향을 정해서 도움이 될수 있는 Network 공간이 될 수 있도록 많은 도움과 격려를 부탁드립니다.

Founder/상근 임원 - Simon Lee

The Korean American Semiconductor Association in Silicon Valley is based on the Korean American Semiconductor Association, which started in 2005 with like-minded people while working at a semiconductor equipment company in Silicon Valley because we did not have a place where we could meet and network with people in the same field. Although there were difficulties at one time, we were able to maintain it until COVID-19 began with the help of many people, but it was not enough for all members to lead while working full time. So, this time, we are going to start the meeting again with a “new mindset.” A non-profit organization named KASASV (Korean American Semiconductor Association in Silicon Valley). This is a sharing space for Korean American Professionals working in various semiconductor fields in the U.S. We hope to help each other in our personal lives or professional careers, and we also hope that Korean semiconductor professionals working in various semiconductor fields in Korea can exchange with people in the United States. I hope this becomes a place where you can do it. We ask for your help and encouragement

Founder/Executive - Simon Lee


Career Development

Career opportunity sharing and prep with experts in various industry professionals in group. Long term career plan guidance through networking. Business opportunity between Korea and Silicon Valley through collaboration with Korean government institution and/or Companies in Korea industry

Network Expansion

Expand Network industry bandwidths to AI, DL, Bio, Fabless, Design house, Materials, Service, Parts, etc beyond Semiconductor equipment/device mfg industry

Advanced Education & Talent Search

Help to search/hire Professionals as well as College graduate who are interested in joining at companies/institutions in Korea Semi related industry


Mission is to advance education, foster professional development, and promote community welfare within semiconductor industry, particularly among Korean American Professionals and the broader community in Silicon Valley. We are committed to providing resources, training, and networking opportunties that support eh educational and professional growth of our members and the community.

a close-up of a grey wallet
a close-up of a grey wallet
a close-up of a grey wallet
a close-up of a grey wallet

Empower our members for success to thrive in the dynamic semiconductor industry

Support members in their career and business endeavors through networking expansion

Connecting semiconductor talent by bridging Korea and Silicon Valley



궁금하신 점이나 문의 사항이 있으시면 알려주세요.

Feel free to e-mail if there is any questions.